Enabling Management Insights

Wizsm delivers solutions which provides multiple perspectives and enables timely decisions.

Multiple Use Cases provides faster ROI.

Wizsm Process Discovery

Organizations define their business processes within central process repositories which detail and define the process the way they are to be executed (Design Processes). Processes are then deployed using IT systems such as ERP’s, Workflows and other BPM Systems. All these IT systems maintain transaction logs.

Wizsm Process Insights reads the transaction logs of these IT systems and recreates the process maps (Discovered Processes or “As-Is” Processes) using Process Mining techniques. This enables identification of process issues, and also of the impacts on other layers of the process, such as users, customers etc.

Wizsm Process Insights enables visual comparison between the “Design Processes” and “Discovered Processes” to understand potential non conformances in the actual executed processes.

Wizsm Process Insights is targeted at the Technology, Process Optimization or Quality Teams with its simplicity and ease of use, supporting multiple use cases as under.

  • Automated Business Process Discovery (ABPD)
  • Process Audits
  • Process Optimization Initiatives
  • Business Process Optimization
  • Process Risk Evaluation & Process Compliance
  • Process Investigation & Fraud Management
  • Process Cost Reduction

Wizsm Process is based on the PRISE© Methodology, a best practice methodology for Strategy Execution. PRISE© integrates Processes, Risks, Initiatives and Strategy to ensure successful Strategy Execution.

Wizsm Process is part of the Wizsm PRISE© Product Suite, which provides a replicable roadmap to Strategy Execution, and takes us from the “What to the How”. It addresses the pitfalls of having different Management Frameworks run in silos, independent of each other and it provides a holistic view of all management information enabling better decisions.

Wizsm Process Mining

Wizsm Process Insights enables organizations to answer questions such as: What does my Standard Process look like? How can I plan Process Improvements? What are the process variations compared to the defined process? Which process variations should not be occurring? How can an automated process be quickly and effectively audited?

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