Enabling Management Insights

Wizsm delivers solutions which provides multiple perspectives and enables timely decisions.

Multiple Use Cases provides faster ROI.

Wizsm Visivo

Effective Reporting is an integral part of all functions within an organization. The ability to present effective reports requires, not only accurate conversion of data into information, but as well the presentation of the information in visually appealing formats.

57% of C-level executives say the management reporting process is inefficient, costing millions of dollars each year. (McKinsey Survey – 2019)

Visivo integrates content across all Wizsm modules as well as external systems, enabling unified reporting. Wizsm Visivo is application agnostic and provides powerful reporting and lightweight BI capabilities, enabling users to easily create sophisticated reports.

Wizsm Visivo is simple and easy to use and is targeted at the managers and end users of organizations.

Visivo Supports multiple use cases, some examples of which are as under.

  • Operational Reporting
  • Strategic Reporting
  • Risk Reporting
  • Audit Reporting
  • Management Reporting
  • Project Reporting

Wizsm Visivo is based on the PRISE© Methodology, a best practice methodology for Strategy Execution. PRISE© integrates Processes, Risks, Initiatives and Strategy to ensure successful Strategy Execution.

Wizsm Visivo is part of the Wizsm PRISE© Product Suite, which provides a replicable roadmap to Strategy Execution, and takes us from the “What to the How”. It addresses the pitfalls of having different Management Frameworks run in silos, independent of each other and it provides a holistic view of all management information enabling better decisions.

Wizsm Visivo

Wizsm Visvio provides a unified reporting interface for all Wizsm products integrating Performance, Process, Risk and Initiative information into meaningful insights for the management. Wizsm Visivo automatically collates insights, comments and actions, from different management stakeholders and publishes them against relevent areas of these reports. Its enhanced reporting capabilities replaces traditional practices of reporting management information using PowerPoint and Excel.

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